The Power Is In Them
Starting her freshman year at a new school in a place she barely knew anyone was nerve wracking.
Due to COVID, the students had 4 days to decide where they wanted to sit permanently at lunch for the rest of the year.
My daughter sat alone day 1.
And day 2.
I told her, smile! Be brave & sit next to someone!
Day 3... alone.
The fear was too much. She could not find the courage to sit with someone else. She was so down & worried she’d sit alone the rest of the year.
Day 4 came & I prayed hard for that girl!
At lunchtime, I got a text from her: “Lunch is going to be fun! I’ll explain later.”
She came home & told me a kid asked if he could sit by her. She recognized him from their early morning seminary class. Then another kid from seminary joined them. These kind & friendly boys talked & laughed with my daughter & became her friend.
Those three sat together all year.
I don’t know what made him sit there that day. I don’t know if it was premeditated or spontaneous. Did he know he answered my daughter’s prayer, as well as mine? Did he know approaching a girl sitting alone would mean the WORLD to her?
A few weeks ago this same daughter had an eye-opening experience. She saw first-hand how her simple actions & intent to do good can impact someone. They told her, “I probably wouldn’t even be alive if it weren’t for you.”
“Sometimes you will be the angel the Lord sends to bear others up. Sometimes you will be the one surrounded by angels who bear you up.” -Eyring
Christ “went about doing good” (Acts 10:38) He reached out to everyone! He noticed those whom others did not! He sought them, ate with them, edified them.
He urged us to do the same.
“Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, & do many things of their own free will, & bring to pass much righteousness... For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves.” (D&C 58:26-28)
The power is in us!
“Fear not to do good” (6:33)
It’s that simple.
“As His disciples, let us fully mirror His love & love one another so openly & completely that no one feels abandoned, alone, or hopeless.” -Renlund
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