
Showing posts from November, 2022

I Will Seek That Which Was Lost

Anyone else ever accidentally throw your child’s big homework packet away cause you’re bombarded with school papers on the daily & sometimes it’s HARD TO TELL what should be kept or not? And then your child asks about it & you have to tell them you mistakenly CHUCKED IT IN THE TRASH? And your child panics & tells you he worked hard on that packet & it’s DUE TOMORROW? So you fish through two garbage bags until you come out TRIUMPHANT with the aforementioned homework packet? And then you see it’s got leftover dinner on a few pages so you gently take it apart, wash it off, & lay it out to dry? And then your child takes that crusty, wrinkled, & worn homework to school & turns it in? Or is that just me? 🤪 But you know what?  His homework, though thrown out, dirty, worn, crinkled… slightly smelling of lasagna… (could be worse ya know) Got 100%. It was still worth 100%. It still counted. The condition didn’t matter. The content did. The appearance didn’t matte...